1. Chapter 17, page 349-378
2. In chapter 17, Peekay has now grown and is fighting as a bantamweight, and is successfully winning his matches, with crowds growing more and more as the season goes on. He and Morrie had been making a lot of money off of bets and the Boarder’s Bank. Peekay also is going through puberty, which he finds difficult, and he feels like he is sinning every day and he then realizes how much other people had shaped him. Later, Peekay and Morrie were both candidates for Singe ‘n’ Burn’s “Sinjun’s People”, which was a great honor. Of course, Peekay and Morrie had made a place for bets for this occasion. Although Peekay was doubtful that neither Morrie nor he would be accepted, both were accepted and became part of Sinjun’s People.
a. Morrie Levy
b. “Hitler murdered six million Jews. He had to round them up and rail them to the death camps, and the world wept for man’s inhumanity to man. But underneath it all is the feeling that the Jews should have fought, should have resisted, should have died defending their kith and kin, should have died like men.” (366)
c. 1. Smart
2. Reliable friend
3. Businessman
4. Cunning
5. Strong-willed
d. Morrie had a big influence on Peekay, changing who Peekay was. All of Peekay’s friends before were older and usually adults. The only kids somewhat his age he had known before were from the previous boarding school, and they were not kind. Morrie was Peekay’s first real friend who was his age. Peekay could confide in Morrie and know that he wouldn’t tell anyone, unless it would help Peekay as well. Morrie has Peekay’s back and they help each other. They are peers and business partners.
4. An important quote in this chapter is, “‘I’ve never been ashamed of who I am, except when I was made to feel that way the first time I went to boarding school. It’s-well, it’s just that I don’t want any Christian gentleman feeling sorry for me because my mum hasn’t two bob to her name.’” (377) This is important because it shows Peekay’s feelings. Although he narrates the novel, and we do hear his opinions throughout the story, we had never heard his feelings about who he is and how he feels about his past. This sums up who he has turned into and how he feels about the events he had to endure throughout his childhood.